I am honoured and humbled to announce that Archbishop Mark Haverland has made me a Reader in the Anglican Catholic Church and has authorised me to preach my own sermons.
We have been discussing the prospect of my planting an ACC mission here in Cyprus, and this was the first step toward that eventual end.
I would welcome your prayers as we move forward toward making St John the Evangelist mission in Nicosia a reality. I would also welcome any practical suggestions or material help you might wish to make, such as spare prayerbooks, church furnishings, etc.
Dear Mr. Land,
Congratulations on becoming a Reader in the ACC and best wishes on the new parish in Cyprus. You will be in my prayers.
Father Bob Jones
Thanks so much, Fr Jones.
Please, though, let's not get us ahead of ourselves -- we are only talking about a mission at the moment, not a parish.
Congratulations, Albion. May God bless you and all who pray with you.
Please accept our prayers and best wihes.
Yay Albion!
Both your licensing and the opening of a mission in Cypress have been on my heart and occasionally in my prayers from the first contact we had. I believe some of my earliest correspondence with you was on the very subject.
Congratulations, and may the Lord prosepr the work.
Congratulations brother, so glad to hear the good news. May many come into the Kingdom through your ministry.
This is very good news! It makes my heart glad. I too will pray for God's blessings in this.
I rejoice to read of this. God will bless your new Mission.
Laurence K. Wells
This is great news, Albion. I pray for the Lord's richest blessings on you and St. John the Evangelist!
Thanks. I shall be in touch with you soon.
Dear Mr. Land,
I have available 12 Prayer Books (1928) and 12 Hymnals (1940) that you may have. Let me know how you want them sent to you, and I'll get them off ASAP.
My email address is
In Christ,
Fr. C Thomas McHenry
Archdeacon, DMAS (ACC)
Wonderful news, Albion. I will keep this work in my prayers.
Cash, via check, is the cheapest thing to ship overseas (all thanks to the great Templars). Sans address shipping such is impossible.
Dear Albion
I am very pleased to hear your news,. please be assured of my prayers and those of your friends in the ACC-DUK.
Fr Damien Mead
Mr Land asked for prayerbooks - I have offerd him prayerbooks. I suspect that there are few sources in Cyprus wher he could obtain 1928 BCPs and 1940 Hymnals, so sending money would probably not do him much good.
C Thomas McHenry+
Albion, please contact me by email (or see www.anglicanbible.org) in regard to receiving donations of supplies.
All, if you have excess prayer books, hymnals, vestments, etc., please consider passing them along to a needy parish through donation to the Anglican Bible and Book Society.
Fr Daniel,
I have emailed you. If it does not reach you, please let me know.
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