This is just too good not to share, and I thank my friend Fr Steve Petrica for doing so. For those of you whose parishes are looking for fund-raising opportunities, take a tip from the folks at Western Wall Prayers. It's got to be a winner.
Too often someone asks for prayer, and we say, "of course!" and add their intention to our prayers. That's all well and good, as far as it goes, but think of the foregone income opportunities it represents! A group in Israel has devised a way to address that shortcoming. They offer:
Standard Prayers:
A Torah-observant Jew will go to the Western Wall to pray on your behalf as well as others for 40 consecutive days. Minimum donation: approx. $2/day ($90).
Exclusive Prayers:
A Torah-observant Jew will go to the Western Wall to pray exclusively on your behalf for 40 consecutive days. The entire Bircas HaTorah Yeshiva will say a psalm for you and Rabbi Nebensahl, Chief Rabbi of the Old City and one of the great Tzaddikim of our time will do a Mesheberach for you (special prayer in front of a congregation). Minimum donation: $9/day ($360).
Personalized Exclusive Prayers:
In addition to an exclusive prayer, over the course of the 40 days, the entire Book of Psalms (150 Tehillim), or King Solomon's Song of Songs (Shir ha Shirim) will be recited at the Wall, a Mesheberach prayer will be recited in Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem on Shabbat and a Mishna (portion of the Oral Law) will be learned daily in your merit. Rabbi Nebensahl, Chief Rabbi of the Old City and one of the great Tzaddikim of our time will also do a Mesheberach for you. Minimum donation: $18/day ($720 US + *up).
Premier Prayers:
With special permission from the Vaad HaRabbonim (Council of Rabbis in Israel), a minyan (10 Torah-observant men) will pray together for 40 days at the holiest place where Jews are allowed to go - deep in the Western Wall tunnels across from the Holy of Holies. This excludes Shabbat, when they will pray at the Western Wall itself. This site is not available for public prayer. Because of its holiness, special permission is required and is only given in rare circumstances. Minimum donation: $1,800.
Please contact us personally to make special higher-end arrangements.
I wonder what Reform(ation) Jews might have to say about the sale of indulgences.
I wonder about that also. Apparently they don't have much concern about it.
"Torah-observant" is an interesting term. By observance of Torah one's prayers are more likely to be heard, mistaking the temporal shadow of righteousness for the eternal Righteous One.
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