I sing a song of the saints of God
From all faiths as equ'lly true
Regardless of race or color or creed
They're as worthy as me or you.
And one is a Muslim
And one is a Jew
And one is a Buddhist
And one a Hindu.
They are all of them saints of God, we presume
On God's grace for ourselves too.
Verse two of your politically correct hymn?...
But there's one sort of folk who aren't saints, I fear:
That's the ones who think others are wrong,
For goodness sake, they think Jesus was right,
They must not have read their Spong!
For when Jesus said:
"I'm the Way and the True"
He didn't mean it for me,
He only meant it for you,
So to be a post-modern saint, get a clue:
All these other truths are true too!
(Brought to you by the Vast Right-Wing Orthodox Conspiracy.)
Holy smokes!
Dear Groucho,
I want to ask if you are related to Fr. Hart as with the addition of the 'goatie' you have an amazing resemblance!
They lived not only in seventies, there are a couple thousand still.
Their world is bright with noxious complaints, on who succeeds Jesus will.
They don't have a school, ain't it lame, O mer-cy! playin' Church ho-ow vain, what a flop, baffles me! For the saints of God are not as good as me and I be mean to each one too.
Dear Groucho Hart,
I hope you will permit me to chime in:
I sing a song of the sops of God,
measly and dull of hue,
who took and changed the Church we love
into a P – A – C.
And one was a druid and one was a priest,
and one was priestess in her mind;
they were all of them sops of God, and I know,
God’s fixing to make it right.
Bev T.
Okay, it looks like we have the makings here of a competition in hymnody. Surprised our own Poetreader hasn't already chimed in.
I am officially appointing him and Bev T (apckmusician) as judges. They'll have to sort out their votes on each other's contributions.
I'm up for that!
Bev T
My forte isn't necessarily to order poetry, so I may or may not come up with something of my own. I'm watching this spot.
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