Wednesday, January 13, 2010

You have relatives in Haiti


Earthquake Inflicts Catastrophic Damage

Reported from the ACC Provincial Web Site: "Father Jean Bein-Aime of the ACC in Haiti reports that the church's orphanage in Port-au-Prince was completely destroyed by the quake that rocked the island Tuesday night.

The children and their caregivers escaped major injury, but many members of the ACC parishes in the area remain unaccounted for. There is some damage in Mononville, and the Province is at present awaiting reports from Tapio.

More information on the situation in Haiti will be posted as it becomes available. Archbishop Haverland requests that the people of the ACC keep Father Bien-Aime and the mission in Haiti in their prayers.

Those who wish to donate money for relief may do so through the ACC Missionary Society of St. Paul."

Making a Donation to Relief Work

Donations in US Dollars should follow the directions given on the Provincial Website:

ACC Provincial Web Site

( Those who wish to donate money for relief may do so through the Missionary Society of St. Paul. Donations should be accompanied by the linked form and mailed to the following address:

ACC Mission Fund
c/o The Diocese of the South
PO Box 5223
Athens, GA 30604

Checks should be made out to "The ACC MIssion Fund" and marked "Haiti Relief" in the subject line.)

There are 2 ways to make donations in Sterling through the Diocese of the United Kingdom.

Sterling Cheques should be made out to "ACC - Diocese of the United Kingdom" and marked on the back "Haiti Relief" and sent to:

Haiti Relief, ACC Diocesan Office, St Nicholas House, 42-48 High Street, Lydd, Romney Marsh, Kent TN29 9AN

Alternatively Paypal donations via Credit Card may be made by clicking on the following donate link:

Click to make Paypal donation

Please notify us by writing within the Paypal Special Instructions Section 'Haiti Relief' or advising us via our Contact Page (on the bar on the left) the amount of your donation and confirming it is for Haiti Relief.

*All donations will be collected and forwarded to the Missionary Society of St Paul. Please Note: Donations via Paypal have a processing Fee deducted (by Paypal) thus reducing by a small amount your donation.

(As of last night, January 13, original post)
The earthquake was devastating to the small island country, and no doubt we will learn a lot more over several days. At this hour I do not yet know how much the earthquake might have affected our own people, the Anglican Catholic Church mission in Tapio, St. Therese de L‘Enfant (about which we posted a story). We want information as soon as possible to post here, especially if we might learn of practical ways to help. Certainly, we must all pray right now.


Fr Tom said...

O God, merciful and compassionate, who art ever ready to hear the prayers of those who put their trust in thee; Graciously hearken to us, and grant to those in Haiti thy help in this their need; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

(BCP page 41)

Tom McHenry+

Jamie+ said...

Fr Hart,

This is an update from the Archbishop: "Haiti: clergy are okay; orphanage destroyed; orphans okay (two minor injuries). No report from Ste. Therese parish in mountains. Mannonville has some damage, but not loss of life reported."

Fr Jamie Danford

Anonymous said...

A note from the diocesan secretary, ACC-DMAS, advises that the ACC-supported orphanage in Haiti was destroyed in the quake -- but that all the children survived and were being moved to Tapio.

Jackie said...

There is now a link for donations off the ACC homepage.

Nathan said...

If anyone would care to help, please use the form in the link below and circle Haiti.

Bishop Mead said...

Dear Friends,
If anyone in the United Kingdom wishes to make a donation in Pounds Sterling for the ACC Appeal they may do so through the Haiti News Item on my Diocesan Webpage:
All donations received by the Diocese of the United Kingdom will be forwarded to the ACC Missionary Society of St Paul for Haiti Relief.
UK Tax Payers may 'Gift Aid' their donation to the Diocese to effectively increase its value at no extra cost to themselves.
Thank you
+DM said...

Father Hart,
For some reason the paypal link I posted isn't working ... please substitute the following link please:
Thank you

Fr. Robert Hart said...


Deacon Down Under said...

The Paypal DUK link worked for me. May the Lord bless and protect the faithful of the ACC in Haiti and may He bless the orphanage and missionary work of the ACC in that nation.