Monday, April 16, 2007

Report from England

I have just spent what has apparently been one of the warmest April weekends on record in southeast England, with the thermometre topping 25 degrees Celsius yesterday.

I am writing from the deepest wilds of Kent, in the village of Egerton, where I have come to stay a couple of days with one of my oldest friends, before traveling on tomorrow to Winchester and more dear friends. On Wednesday, I will return to Cyprus.

As planned, I met with Bishop Starks and with the diocesan board of ministry on Saturday, and both meetings were generally encouraging.

I must now wait for them all to put their heads together and decide whether to endorse my application to become a postulant for Holy Orders. Then, assuming they do, there is the question of what sort of training they would want me to do.

So your prayers for all of us are still most welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I will keep you, Bishop Starks, and the committee in my prayers.

Brian McKee, nO/C.G.S.