Dear Readers,
I'm just finishing my second coffee on the morning of Christmas Eve, and have already been struck by a very sobering experience.
I had to take daughter Andrea to the shop where she works, and only a block or so away we were greeted by the most tragic of Christmas sights -- a car flipped over on its top, and quite badly crushed. We stopped into a bakery for Andrea to get something for breakfast, and she learned what I had feared was to be the truth -- a young man was dead. I dare say, he'd been out partying and was on his way home, or to another party.
I bid your prayers for an unnamed family who, senselessly, will spend this Christmas arranging for the burial of a son, a brother, perhaps a husband.
The day can only get better, I hope.
Susana has gone to India for the holidays, and I have taken the time off to be single parent. For the most part, with a 14- and a 17-year-old, that basically means running a free taxi service and trying to explain that it really isn't healthy to go out in 5 degree weather with just a T-shirt on.
The three of us will have Christmas Eve (Noche Buena) dinner at home in the Spanish tradition, along with colleagues and other friends I have invited -- a grand total of nine. The turkey is thawed, the basics of the stuffing are prepared, and I'll start cooking around 2.30. That gives me time to say my morning office, take Jack the Dalmatian for his walk and do a bit of house cleaning.
In this quiet moment, I pray for all of you, that you will have a Blessed Christmas, and that your lives will be brightened by the Light that could not be overcome.
Merry Christmas,
Poor young fellow!
God be merciful to him, and his poor family!
O Christ our God, born of Mary, bless and heal and forgive this young man who has suddenly died. Release him from all his sins, and from death and the power of the devil. Surround him with holy angels for the journey. Reveal yourself to him, O Lord, that he may see your loving heart, your wounds, your radiant glory of resurrection Life. By the prayers of Mary ever-virgin, and all angels and saints, uphold him and his loved ones in peace that is not from this world. All for your love's sake. Amen.
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