Over many years, especially writing for Touchstone Magazine, I established my credentials as the most widely read cultural conservative in the entire Continuing Church. But we live in a time when the standard for Conservatism is slavishly loyal obedience to one very unworthy, dishonest, and dangerous megalomaniac. I have dared to criticize the spectacle of clergy who publicly defend everything from anti-democratic power grabbing to literal atrocities. I have refused to bear false witness against specific politicians, because I will not pass on lies even against people with whom I strongly disagree.
I am also very much aware of what our historical reputation can do either to or for people in the future who will need to look back on a Christian witness. What will they see? When we look back in history we can, for example, at least bring up the Christian Abolitionists during the era of slavery in America and Britain. Even Germans can look to those who resisted, such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer. How will history judge your witness in the age of Trump?
Nonetheless, anyone has read my articles and calls me Leftwing is either a liar or an idiot. I am simply not radically Rightwing.
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