Bishop Garang Issues Urgent Appeal for Aid
Mar 27, 2017

Food relief is essential for the most vulnerable populations--the pregnant, the elderly, and the young.
In recent months both the ACC website and The Trinitarian have reported on the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan. Though many have responded, the situation remains dire, leading Bishop Wilson Garang to make the following appeal.
In February 2017 the United Nations formally declared famine in South Sudan. According to a recently released report, 4.9 million people are in need of urgent food. This is more than 40 percent of South Sudan's total population.
The total number of food insecure people is expected to rise to 5.5 million at the height of the lean season in July if nothing is done to curb the severity of the crisis. The UN report also notes that more than one million children are currently estimated to be acutely malnourished across South Sudan.
The Diocese of Aweil has also been severely affected by the famine since last year. Many have migrated from Aweil to North Sudan in search of food. Others have resorted to collecting wild fruits and leaves for food.
I am therefore appealing to well-wishers to donate funds to provide famine relief. Donations will be used to distribute food to the most severely affected and the vulnerable--pregnant mothers, households with children below five years of age, and the elderly. Items to be distributed will include sorghum, maize, beans, powdered milk, Unimix, and Plumpy'Nut.
Your brothers and sisters in South Sudan pray for aid. Those who are in need will not forget what you do. May God bless you.
Donations for famine relief may be made through the Saint Paul Mission Society. Click here to find out how.
Tagged: aweil, food, famine, relief, donations, saint paul mission society
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