I hope I got the grammar right -- I only started studying Polish about 10 days ago.
But the message should be clear, even to those who know no Polish. AFP recently advertised an opening for an English-language correspondent in Warsaw, and I have applied for the job.
This morning, they published the list of candidates, and my name was the only one on it. In principle, this should mean that I will get the job, though they have been known to readvertise. And even if they do offer me the post, there is still the question of whether the financial package will be sufficient.
I am very excited about the prospect of moving to Warsaw. Our bureau covers not only Poland, but also the neighbouring Baltic republics of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. While much of the work would be "desking," there would also be the opportunity to get out and about and do some occasional feature stories.
Equally as important, I have come to the conclusion that, after seven years covering the Middle East, my mind and spirit are in need of a change. The endless stream of death and destruction, punctuated by empty talk of peace, has become soul-damaging.
There is, of course, some downside involved in moving. For one, I am very fond of Cyprus and quite content living here. There is also the matter of my teenage children, who are still in school and would remain here. But there are cheap flights available, so I should be able to visit them here, or they visit me in Warsaw, with the prospect of white Christmases an enticing one.
And there is the question of my vocation in Christian ministry, and particularly within the ACC.
I have not previously made any public announcement, but I am pleased to say that the commission on ministry of the Diocese of the UK accepted me as a postulant for Holy Orders. I am now struggling to determine whether I have the necessary resources -- spiritual, mental, physical and financial -- to meet the demanding conditions that have been set before me.
I must confess that I am not encouraged by my initial discernment, but I see no obstacle to doing in Warsaw anything that I might do in Nicosia. Indeed, there is perhaps an even greater harvest awaiting me there.
In the meantime, I shall carry on with The Continuum. Perhaps, in fact, this is the most important ministry I could possibly be doing: I am deeply gratified to have heard from so many people thanking me for creating the blog and commending me for its ministry of communication and reconciliation.
I bid your prayers for me, my family, the ACC and the blog in the days, weeks and months to come.
Physical? They're not expecting you to take up rugby, are they?
What a silly question, Sandra. Why, cricket, of course!
In Poland?
You've obviously never heard of ice cricket.
I would also like to thank you for creating this blog. And for allowing me to be a part of it. It is an honour to work with you.
God bless and guide you in your work and ministry.
I also am very thankful for this blog and would be sad to see it disappear.
Wow, Poland! I'm sure that you're being called for something unusual, Albion!
God bless, and keep us posted.
There are many different kinds of ministry.
As a Novice Oblate in the Community of the Good Samaritan, I just organized and opened a Food Pantry, for the needy in our area, in our parish. I also work with the Meals on Wheels Program delivering meals, and sharing a couple moments of friendship with shut-in seniors two days a week.
I've also been writing confirmation and other curriculum for our Community to distribute to ACC parishes who need such curriculum.
There is a huge need for the "religious" or laity to visit and pray with shut-ins and rest home patients.
God can use all of us as ministers in one way or the other. Holy Orders are not the only way. If the demands prove too great, Albion, God will use you to minister in ways perhaps you can't yet imagine.
In the movie, "The Sound of Music", I've always loved when the Reverend Mother said "When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window."
Brian McKee, nO/C.G.S.
This may be off topic, but I've always felt that the Holy Order of Deacon is not being used today as scripture taught, and the primitive catholic church used the order of Deacon.
The Order of Deacon, in the Bible and in the primitive church, was to be: an administrator (hence the term "Archdeacon" as an assistant to the Bishop); to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and in general provide for those in need; visit the sick and pray with them; to lead in prayer; to preach; etc.
The Book of Common Prayer also makes this clear.
Sadly, the important ministry of that office is ignored by today's catholic church - Roman and Anglican. It has sadly become mostly just an apprentice period, or a transitional trial period, toward becoming a priest.
Sadly, the office of Deacon today is often little more than handling a Chalice and reading the Gospel on Sunday. Sadly, thats all many who prusue becoming a Deacon want to do.
In my opinion, the church needs more Deacons in the scriptural and primitive catholic church sense of the word.
What priest wouldn't appreciate someone to help with hospital visits, take care of administrative duties, preach an occasional sermon so the priest isn't constantly in sermon preparation, doing outreach to those in need, etc.?
Brian McKee, nO/C.G.S.
Wow, Poland.
My family and I were hopingg to visit Cyprus soon and perhaps visit you and enjoy a nice glass of ouzo (not that I like it that much, but it seems like the right thing to drink in good ole Kubros)
But Poland could be interesting :-)
God bless you and guide in your discernment.
Should the Poland assignment come through, please contact me privately so I may introduce you to my brother, an ex-patriate in Krakow. Up until recently he was with the US State Dept and spent eight or nine years in Warsawa, Poznàn, and Krakow. He is now retired there with his family and intends to stay. He would be an invaluable contact.
Thanks for your kind offer. It would actually help me to contact him now to get a sense of the cost of living. Can you send me your email address?
I hope everything works out for you.
What is the AFP? Is it like the Associated Press?
How can I get one of the plum correspondant jobs?
AFP is Agence France-Presse. Yes, we do the same sort of work AP does, but 10 times better.
As for the plum correspondent's jobs, I'm afraid you'd have to fight me and a couple hundred other people. :)
Seems the grammar was wrong. Anbody catch it?
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