Monday, February 24, 2025

ICE Raids Churches During Services

It would seems that it is not “the Left” who are willing to send jack boot government thugs into church services after all. 

As a man of God I am offended whenever Trump is praised as some sort of “messiah” or otherwise compared to Jesus. His 2020 tear-gassing of a church for a photo op with an upside down Bible (how symbolic) and his alleged concern about “anti-Christian” activities is all show-biz and no substance. Raiding churches is an attack on “the free exercise” of religion (First Amendment). The Right claims that the Democrats threaten religious freedom. But Trump’s ICE are invading churches during services! I have no doubt that his “Christian Nationalism” fans will, if they ever have the power they lust after, persecute the church in which I am a priest if only because they are anti-Tradition Fundamentalists. My local parish is significantly an immigrant congregation, and even has refugees as faithful members.

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