Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Bibliography

In light of such widespread interest expressed in reading material for the Anglican faithful, and for the merely curious, I pointed out in a comment a superb bibliography has been produced by the Anglican Catholic Church's Diocese of the South.

Those interested in details, or in acquiring a copy, should contact the Revd. Voris G. Brookshire. Here are his contact details:

St. John the Theologian Church
4213 N. Federal Highway
Pompano Beach, FL 33064

Phone: + 001 (954) 781-8370


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this information. As someone new to classical Anglicanism--a TEC refugee, as it were--I am very interested in using this bibliography for further study.

Anonymous said...

I own the Bibliography (a veritable bible of information) -- it's a monumental (and very thick) work that no student of Theology and its related disciplines should be without.

I can attest as a former member of St. John's that Fr. Brookshire most likely owns every last one of the books in the bibliography, seeing his personal library numbers in the thousands.

St. Worm

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how I could find this extraordinary bibliography in 2024? The contact information above is no longer working.