
Friday, August 26, 2022

Bearing false witness is still a sin

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I long ago accepted that a faithful Christian is likely to face persecution for speaking the truth. I expect hostility when condemning e.g. abortion or sexual immorality. But I should not have to expect it from those who call themselves Christians, and even less from clergymen. I do not know who the “Embryo Parson” is; it seems likely that he is some sort of Anglican priest. Apparently he believes that political support for the former President, of which I am incapable because of my conscience, is the new standard for both conservatism and orthodoxy (I consider it to be no standard for either). Therefore, this “Embryo Parson,” shielded by what I suppose is his secret identity, has taken the liberty to slander me personally in public on some Anglican blog he runs. His sinful conduct is public and scandalous. Therefore I ask if anyone can tell me who he is, and to which bishop he answers to, as he must answer for this libelous conduct. You may use the email on my profile if you want to answer privately.


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  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Well, I found out that he’s not in the G3. Thank God. He’s AOC, so he is about as relevant as a Mormon.

  3. Sarah Wagner-Wassen7:54 AM

    It appears someone snitched our messages from the private G3 group to Fr Little. It’s all in his recent blog post. For some reason though he misgenders me as “he” (my pronouns are she/her tyvm ;p )

    If he is so concerned about political and vulgar posts, I wonder why he has been longtime Facebook friends with a certain now-very-former ACC member who regularly posts derogatory political memes and vulgar “jokes” on Facebook, calling people names with explicit profanity. But perhaps Fr Little thinks it’s okay because it only denigrates democrats? It appears Fr Little’s outrage is purely partisan, politically and ecclesially.

    By the way, Fr. Little “followed” me on Facebook last night, I guess to keep an eye on if I post something he can twist into something he can be outraged about and talk about how horrible the ACC is and etc. etc. etc. It’s so juvenile.

  4. Is that the name of this "Embryo Parson" character?

    It took me 2 minutes to find him.

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  7. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Yes, Christopher C. Little+ (OAC priest) is the character you mention. I'm afraid looking through his own blog "The Old Jamestown Church", it's easy to see that he's sadly not progressed much from the embryo stage.
