
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Blood money

From Mere Comments at Touchstone

Dear Friends for LIFE:

Please do everything you can to participate in the screening of BLOOD MONEY, an expose on the diabolical Planned Parenthood and abortion industry. See schedule and website below.

5 S Prospect Ave
Park Ridge, IL 60068

"BloodMoney" is a documentary film that exposes the truth behind the Abortion Industry from the Pro Life perspective.

This film will examine the history of abortion in America, from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics, to Roe v. Wade, to the denial of when life begins, to the fight to save the lives of innocent babies, and the devastating effects it has had on the women that have had them.

Starting August 27th thru September 2nd

Sunday 8/29/10: 2:00PM, 5:00PM, 8:00PM
Monday 8/30/10: 5:00PM, 8:00PM
Tuesday 8/31/10: 5:00PM, 8:00PM
Wednesday 9/1/10: 5:00PM, 8:00PM
Thursday 9/02/10: 5:00PM, 8:00PM
Website of Blood Money


  1. In my clinical practice, I have seen repeatedly the devastating aftermath of abortion on the women who have had them. Many times, they present with a depression that they have endured in silence for many years, a silence born from guilt and sadness at having made a decision with horrific consequences.

    All to often, the practitioners of abortion take advantage of the psychologically fragile state of women in early pregnancy. They intentionally withhold from these women the emotional consequences of their actions. The result is tragic: The loss of the life of an innocent baby and the severe damage inflicted on the psyche and soul of the mother. Satan could not design a more thoroughly evil structure than this.

    We must do all we can to bring an end to this pervasive evil in our society.

    Thanks, Continuum, for posting this link!

  2. My late wife as the financial officer of a major city health department found herself in the position of being asked to aid and abet Planned Parenthood into getting into a county where the elected officials had blocked their being. To do so she had to point out to her Board of Supervisors that what they were quite willing to do was a felony under federal law for which they just might serve time. It made them quite unhappy, but was also enough that they did not do as they had been requested.

    This organization is a criminal conspiracy which justly deserves to be exposed for their essentially criminal intent. One of the greatest of their crimes is their policy of failing to notify the authorities of clear cases of statutory rape in the case of minors. Their profit from repeat business is more important that the sexual exploitation of children.
