
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Forty days for life

Every Christian anywhere in the world, not just the United States, can join this American pro-life effort: Forty days of prayer and fasting for the pro-life cause.

(I included the Ohio link, among many options, because of the emphasis on spiritual warfare; very fitting with the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels just around the corner.)


  1. Thanks Father Hart for Promoting this!

  2. The greatest joy in my life has been holding all of my children as infants as shortly after their birth as possible. The next was seeing my son-in-law bearing my oldest grandchild triumphantly down the hall from the operating room where my eldest daughter had an emergency c-section after thirty hours of hard labour. The smile on his face was beatific and the one in my heart even better.

    There is no child, no life that is not infinitely precious and I will never understand those who believe that anyone has the right to take the life of an innocent. If they do not have a right to be born then what right do any of us have to live?
