
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Whose alphabet soup? That is the question

It is true that the Continuing Anglicans have a few differences yet to be worked out, regarding matters of jurisdiction. But, let us look at the other folks in the Anglican Diaspora and count the initial confusion there. These are the letters: AMiA, FiF, CANA (divided into Kenyan, Nigerian), ACN, CEC, CEEC, CCP, etc. (as I know there are more). Since we are all in a glass house, there is no point in throwing stones of division. The others have their alphabet soup too.


  1. The many jurisdictions do not seem to be problematic as long as one has a phone book or a Directory. The problem I have is that we are spread too thinly. Some states do not have a Continuum parish.

  2. Quote- "The problem I have is that we are spread too thinly. Some states do not have a Continuum parish."

    How can we effectively bring others to Christ when we are so divided ourselves?

  3. By proclaiming the Gospel.

  4. Yes, Father, but part of proclaiming the Gospel is demonstrating it. If we continue to war with each other, we aren't demonstrating it.

