
Friday, May 30, 2008

Words Worth Reading

I draw you attention to a new feature on The Continuum, which you will find in the sidebar to the right -- Words Worth Reading.

In my reading, I often come across a few words that are inspirational, or edifying, or simply humourous, but which have little hope of being built up into a new thread on the blog. None the less, those words are worth reading and reflecting on.

I shall endeavour to ensure that a few good words find their way into this box every few days, but welcome my co-hosts and our readers sending me their suggestions -- with due acknowledgement and thanks offered in return.

One point of clarification: do not suggest words of scripture, as I would assume we are all reading scripture regularly and extensively through our daily offices, and following a fairly common lectionary. And after all, scripture is always worth reading. An exception to that is where someone incorporates a few words of scripture into a statement of their own.

Those of you who have suggestions, please send them to my email address.

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