
Monday, February 07, 2011

Prelude and Fugue in G Minor

Another of my own compositions, for Monday recreation


  1. Fr. Hart, I love this musical part of your life you share. Charles

  2. Very beautiful music. Nice way to start a week. I especially liked the slower 'Major 7th(?) chord section' that preceded the more lively middle to end. Lovely.

    BTW, an interesting post at another blog regarding Anglican clergy crossing the Tiber -

    best regards...

  3. Father, I hope you get as much joy out of that piece as it gave and will give me. I have had a restless day waiting for the Lord until he finally opened the task he had set for me, to remind someone of the faith and the Church she had lost, or thought was gone forever.

    This was a wonderful reward for my impatient patience. Thank you so very much.
