
Friday, July 27, 2007

Who is This Jesus?

I would say it is no coincidence that, after much discussion in recent days about the need to increase the focus on evangelism, I discovered that a series of practically oriented courses is being organised by the Anglican Communion Network.

I am having trouble with the overall link, but here is one to the first conference, to be held in Gainesville, Florida (home of my alma mater) on August 24.

Dr. Michael Green, renowned evangelist and author of over 50 books on evangelism and discipleship, is the lead speaker/trainer. The Good News Core Team of speakers also includes:

The Rt. Rev. Keith Ackerman,
Bishop of Quincy and President of Forward-in-Faith North America
Mrs. Rosemary Green, wife and ministry partner of Dr. Green for over 50 years
Miss Carrie Boren, Missioner for Evangelism, Diocese of Dallas
The Rev. Cn. Daryl Fenton, Chief Operating Officer for the ACN
Mrs. Jenny Noyes, Coordinator for Evangelism for the ACN

Each conference is planned with a team of local clergy and lay volunteers so the conferences can be tailored to meet the specific needs of that region.

Following Gainesville, here are the other venues and dates:

Bluffton, SC - September 14–16, 2007
Akron, OH - September 28–30, 2007
Savannah, GA - October 5–7, 2007 (Registration open.)
Hamilton, MA - October 25–28, 2007
San Jose, CA - November 14–16, 2007 (Live videofeed available.)
Metro DC (Herndon, VA) - Feb. 8–10, 2008 (Live videofeed available.)


  1. More elements in the process of creating an alternative province in North America in fact now, and name soon.

  2. Yes, that is true, and I'm unconvinced that they really "get" the Catholic Faith. However, these folks do know something about evangelism, and do have an approach a bit more in sync with traditional ways than, say Billy Graham. On this issue, we could learn something from them, so let's.


  3. Read the Rule of St. Benedict, not in its context as a rule for running a monastery, but consider its implications in the church today. Consider how the rule applies now, especially the rules of hospitality, etc.

    There is the old saying and a book "Everything I needed to know, I learned in Kindergarten". Actually, in many ways, everything you need to know about evangelism can be found in the Rule of St. Benedict.

    Making disciples of the church's members is a key. When people are strong, committed disciples, they just can't stop themselves from spreading the "good news" to others.

    Brian McKee, nO/C.G.S.

  4. Green wrote an excellent book on the evangelism of the early church.

    Maybe the folks who moderate this blog should start a discussion on the elements of preaching, apologetic and starting churches that thrive.

    Beats all the one true church stuff that is all retread and going nowhere.


  5. John:

    I agree. This blogsite could provide a huge service to the Continuum by having articles on starting missions and churches that thrive, bringing new life to existing churches, etc.

    I have three new books to read on related subjects. I'll let everyone know if there is "good stuff" in them when I'm done with them.

    Two of the books are on Outreach evangelism programs, and one is one the Celtic style of church planting and evangelism, and how this style could ne utilized for church planting today. I hope they are as good as advertised.

    Brian McKee, nO/C.G.S. (Community of the Good Samaritan, ACC)

  6. Brian,

    I will be eager to hear your report. The Green book was 'Evangelism in the early church' ISBN 0 340 10707 3. Why Men hate Church' is useful as well as 'The Church Impotent'. for some general understanding of the culture dynamic but Greens book is working on me- more to come.

    I have found that certain Baptist books follow Green's outlines on how the early church preached and converted the Gentiles dealing with people today some are out of print and some anti catholic but that can be ignored- they still know how to touch what people have stored away in their souls and give them the Good News.

    Some things don't change and we live in a time filled with idols and false gods alot like what the early church faced. Getting back to basics is much needed I think.

    Our mission regularly has a booth at every local event and faire we can find. Interaction with athiests, denominationalists and episcopagans and angricans is normal and you have to be on your toes, once in a while we make a little progress. I have had many who were angry at the church take a prayer card or a scripture card and even some have asked for all of them including Baptist Sunday School teachers. We have had A of G folks attack us for that 'other book' (BCP), baptists hound us about the apocrypha (that is very fun- we ask if they use the KJV, most do, and then show them a 1611, wipes em out everytime;-) had a methodist 'ministereen' pray over us for the Holy Ghost to help our mission. Had episcopalians try to steal the names out of our prayer request box! You name it. Get out there where the people are.

    If you have siuch opportunities in your area take advantage of them- you will sharpen your apologetic and win some people for Christ.

    We use an extensive offering of prayer cards, book marks- original art, coloring books drawn up by our youth as give aways to get them up to the booth and then pamphlets and discusion for those who are interested. We make them up ourselves and I would be glad to send anyone engaged in evangelism these cards for free if you will put them in peoples hands and try to get them into church. You can print your own info on the back. If you think they are worthy you can send a small donation to our mission or share some stuff with us. Being seen every event helps bring your presence in the community home as well.
    We have used puppies, weird soft drinks and confections like Cheer Wine and Moon Pies to get people to come over (this works like a champ) and break the ice.


    We had a friend- a since retired episcopal priest, (yeah he was orthodox) who started a mission in a solid Mormon Utah town with several elderly folks and some phones and a directory- very direct. They built a church of 300 in a year.
    It can be done if you are willing to work.



  7. John:

    Those are wonderful ideas. As we live in a very poor county in Appalachia, we have begun a Food Pantry, free BP checks, nursing care, etc., for those in need at the church.

    This has begun to bring new people into contact with the church, and new people through the doors.

    I generally give them enough supply of food for one week, so if they still are in need, they need to come the next Sunday. Its sort of like holding a carrot on atick out in front of the stubborn mules nose to get him to pull the plow. But if the results are bringing people to the church, and souls to Christ, it is worth it.

    Good Samaritan Services (Anglican Catholic Social Services) in New Orleans/Bridge City, LA, put on a very successful 2 week "Day Camp" recently in early summer. They had breakfast, lunch, crafts, music lessons, Bible lessons, and psychologists/counselors present to counsel and help 150 children. All of these children are suffering from depression, post traumatic stress disorder, etc., as a result of Hurrican Katrina.

    This is the 4th Summer Day Camp. Each year the kids that have come, go back to school in the fall with improved grades/scholarship, no longer getting in as much trouble, etc. Sister Anne, C.G.S., and Fr. Rice say it is just amazing what teaching these children, and more importantly showing them about the love of God can do.

    Good Samaritan Services is an amzaing operation. It is the ONLY social services agency that NEVER shut down during Katrina in the New Orleans area. They provide food, and clothing for hundreds of children and families every year.

    Brian McKee, Novice Oblate/Community of the Good Samaritan

  8. Good job!
    Well seems we have a lot in common Brian, our mission helped collect and ship several tractor trailers of materials including medical supplies to the relief effort. We enlisted a lot of unlikely bedfellows but got the job done. Actually got a storage box company to drop off the temp storage containers to malls and other sites and then deliver them to an office supply warehouse where we sorted and sorted and sorted- we got a lot of clothes that we sorted and gave to local charities as the truckers and folks at the other end could not deal with those but we collected many pallets of food and water, baby supplies, toys, cleaning goods, wheelchairs, all kinds of stuff.

    I have two computers we just had redone- they are dated but they work fine, our mission is looking for someone who can use them- could some of those kids use a computer? I have just the 'boxes' but likely can rustle up some mice and keyboards, etc.
    Let me know.

    If you want some prayer cards as jpegs to drop into a word processor mail me at and I will send you some- see what you think.


  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    seems as if you are talking about whether or not a priest can get an annulment so he can progress up the ladder to bishop, etc. or if you are arguing donatism vs delable orders you get lots of comments.
    Talk about evangelism and everybody runs for their Almy's catalog.

    Maybe the moderators ought weigh out the statistics of this enterprise and see how much ink actually comes into line with the Great Commision. Maybe then we can understand why there are so few Continuers after 30 yrs and why the AMiA has eclipsed those numbers in a few years.
    DOn't get me wrong, I do not believe tamborine banging is a substitute for knowledge of the Faith and identity of Christ. But where is the balance?


  10. 'anonymous' John

    Yup. Evangelism is not debatable. It's something we must be doing. Those who understand that are. To thoise who don't understand its importance, because its not debatable, it's dull, and they don't bother. Puts me in mind of Laodicea, it does. "Thou art lukewarm -- I will spew thee out." Ugh.

    Yeah. The things we argue about are important, but if we're not doing what we are called to do they don't matter anyhow.

